Wednesday, September 14, 2011

If It's Fall it Must be Football!

So I don't even love football, but my son does. That means I spend a chunk of time in the fall at games (and washing stankass football clothes). Plus this year, my stepdaughter is on Sideline Cheer so I am going to even more games! (different grade)

I even yelled a few times tonight. I never yell, but it's ok because we won!

Anywho back to the cockamamie schemes.

I mentioned my husband built me an electric spinner. I spun a whole sweater's worth of Shetland in SIX DAY. that's about 4,000 yds of tiny singles, plus 2k yards of plying. During a really busy week. Where I worked more hours than normal.

Pictures of the yarn later.

Anywho, Deb commented and I got two messages on Ravelry asking for pictures. Instead, I decided to make a video. i think that would actually be faster than me trying to explain and label the picture.


  1. I am very glad to see you back and do not del you need to apologise for going through a growth spurt. xo
