Wow, aren't those 13 yo boys eloquent?
Now when I was growing up, my mom didn't care to be bothered with sick children, and I remember that didn't feel great. So, I make sure I'm there when he gets ill. He's turning into a man though (you all know what that means during the flu).
So anyway rough week. I've been working a ton and starting to think about a full-time job instead of two part time ones. If I go back full time, I should definitely get a housekeeper right?? RIGHT??? It's ok. Silence implies consent, ya know.
Moving right along. About 18 months ago, I bought some merino/bamboo from Hungry for Handspun (I believe her etsy shop is closed right now) and spun it up into some nice laceweight. The color was mossy pond or something like that. The laceweight is similar to Zephyr so not super thing (which I like when knitting a garment) and it turned out just beautiful. The sheen is very pretty and the colors are not my usual cup of tea, but gorgeous.

The pattern was quickly memorized (after the edging).

Not showing the bamboo sheen.

Since I finished this shawl, I haven't had any lace on the needles. In fact right now I have a sock. That's it!!! I have spinning going though.
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